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Pupil Council

At Towie School, we have a very active Pupil Council.


Pupil Voice

Pupil voice is highly valued, with the Pupil Council members having involvement in making school decisions whenever possible.  Following the recent Sunflower fundraising event, the Pupil Council decided which organisation fundraising proceeds should be donated to.


Improving Our School

In the Summer Term 2021, the Pupil Council discussed how to keep the school canteen quieter during lunchtimes, as the noise levels were making it difficult for canteen staff to hear what pupils wanted for lunch.  They came up with a plan, using a bell to signal when noise levels were too high, and they took responsibility for putting the plan into action.

Recently, the Pupil Council leaders have begun organising playground games for the younger children at lunchtime.  As part of this, the Pupil Council is learning to consult the children about games that interest them.

The Pupil Council also takes responsibility for gathering the House Point totals each week, sharing the results in assemblies, and updating the House Point Display Board.


Later this year, the Pupil Council will take a leading role in identifying names and designing crests for each house, as we continue to develop our House Point System.